Meaning and Functions of Environment

Environment meaning

Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.

Environment functions

(1) Provides the supply of resources

  •       The environment offers resources for production.
  •       It includes both renewable and non-renewable resources.
  •       Examples: Wood for furniture, soil, land, etc.

(2) Sustains life

  •       The environment includes the sun, soil, water, and air, which are essential for human life.
  •       It sustains life by providing genetic and biodiversity.

(3) Assimilates waste

  •       Production and consumption activities generate waste.
  •       This occurs mostly in the form of garbage.
  •       The environment helps in getting rid of the garbage.

(4) Enhances the quality of life

  •       The environment enhances the quality of life.
  •       Human beings enjoy the beauty of nature that includes rivers, mountains, deserts, etc.
  •       These add to the quality of life.
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What are the Types of Resources?

Types of Resources

Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

(1) Renewable resources

  •       Renewable resources are the resources that can never be exhausted or depleted with continuous use.
  •       There remains a continuous supply of renewable resources.
  •       Examples: Water, trees, etc.

(2) Non-renewable resources

  •       Non-renewable resources are the resources that get exhausted with their extraction and use.
  •       Examples: Coal, petroleum, iron ore, etc.

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Solved Questions:

Q 1. Differentiate the following into renewable and non-renewable resources.

(I) Trees (Ii) Fish (Iii) Petroleum (Iv) Coal (V) Iron ore (Vi) Water (NCERT)

(I) TreesRenewable resource
(II) FishRenewable resource
(III) PetroleumNon-renewable resource
(IV) CoalNon-renewable resource
(V) Iron oreNon-renewable resource
(VI) WaterRenewable resource


Q 2. What does the environment include?


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